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  • Burdock root 50g

Burdock root 50g

Product Code: dock50

Availability: In Stock

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 Burdock root 

Origin: Northern Asia and Europe.


Burdock root is popular amongst herbalists for its blood purifying and rejuvenating properties.

May be useful for but not limited to:

  • Blood cleansing response for lung, liver, kidney & lymphatic conditions.
  • A healing effect on chronic skin conditions.
  • Can be used for gall & kidney complaints & dissolving calcifications, like spurs.
  • Ability to strengthen & encourage kidney action.
  • Relieve symptoms of urinary tract infection.

Cautions or Contraindication:
None know.

Serving Suggestions:
For bladder infections, make a tea of burdock leaves, sweetened with honey.

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